

This list contains the names of repatriated soldiers that disembarked at Vancouver on Jan 25, 1919.





Adams, Gilbert William

Hall, George

O'Grady, Joseph Leo

Aikman, Charles Walter

Hall, Stanley Russell

Oliphant, Alexander

Akeroyd, Thomas Clarkson

Hamer, Peter

Olive, Arthur Frederick

Alexander, Aitken Robert

Hamilton, James Lewis

Olson, Paul Waldimar

Allaire, Wilfred

Hamilton, Stuart Percy

O'Neil, Wallace

Allan, Fred

Haney, Robert Vernon

Osborne, Albert

Allan, John

Hardy, Albert William

Osborne, James Arthur

Allan, John

Harris, Alexander

Oselle, Alexander

Allard, Maxime

Harris, Gordon McGregor

Ostram, Henry

Allen, Clarence

Harris, John W.

Owens, George Frederick

Allison, James

Hart, A. D.

Paige, Eugene

Anderson, Albert

Hart, James Lawrence

Palmer, Carl E. T.

Anderson, Carl F.

Haug, Herbert Roy

Palmer, M. M.

Anderson, David R.

Hawkes, Uriel

Pappas, Josh

Anderson, Gus William

Haworth, Leonard Hyder

Parks, John Anthony

Anderson, Robert Malcolm

Hay, Andrew Lees

Paterson, Herbert William

Anderson, Thomas

Hay, James

Paterson, James

Anthony, John Alexander

Hayden, John Edward

Paton, Jack George

Archibald, Lindsay

Heal, Stephen Rupert

Patterson, David William

Armstrong, Harold S.

Heald, Ernest

Patterson, Harry Gordon

Armstrong, Robert Cochrance

Hector, Harold Alexander

Patterson, Matthew

Armstrong, William Harold

Heffner, Lawrence Edward

Payne, Richmond A.

Arnell, George Edwin

Henderson W. W.

Peacock, Arthur Ripley

Arnold, Clarence McKenzie

Henderson, Eric A.

Pearce, John Henry

Ashmore, William

Henderson, Stewart

Pearson, Edward

Ashper, Otto

Henderson, William Alex

Pearson, Pete

Atkinson, Arthur Edward

Henley, Athur Frank

Peers, William John

Audet, Edward

Henrickson, Henry

Pendlebury, Joseph Edwin

Ausenhus, Noralf

Hepburn, James H.

Pennington, H.

Avey, Lorne Arthur

Herbert, Ernest

Pentland, Edward Ethelbert

Ayers, John Harold

Hessler, Howard Rice

Perdue, George Frederick

Bailey, Arnott James

Heyes, George

Perks, Richard Cecil

Baker, Fred William

Hielscher, Ricard

Perlard, Rudolph Mathew

Bald, Robert G.

Higgs, Harry A. S.

Perry, Frederick John

Balfour, James Mathie

Hill, Fitzwillaim

Peters, David A.

Ball, Fred James

Hilliard, Arthur

Peters, Henry Terrence

Ball, William Frank Weston

Hills, John

Peters, James

Banfield, Albert John

Hodges, William Edward

Petit, Pierre

Banfield, Anson

Hodgette, Walter

Petrie, A. Duncan

Banks, Richard

Hogan, Dennis

Phelan, Edward

Barnwell, Joseph Alexander

Hollis, Caleb Ernest

Philipovich, Choketa

Barr, Andrew

Honeywell, Arthur

Phillip, William Calder

Barrow, Roy

Hopner, Alexander Edward

Phillips, John

Barthollomew, Alfred

Horie, Harold W.

Pickering, Ira Emerson

Base, John Henry

Horne, Robert

Pierce, William George

Beaton, John Archie

Hoshal, William Alfred

Pierce, William Percy

Beattie, Alexander Robert

Howard, Gordon Scott

Pilkington, Albert Edward

Beer, A. L.

Howe, Joseph

Pim, Edgar Henry

Bell, John Elmer

Howell, Wendell James

Pizor, Guy

Bellamy, Albert Ellison

Howlett, John Edward

Platt, George Archibald

Bellochio, Donato

Howse, Herbert Alfred

Podrasky, Adolf

Belmont, Larry Hale

Hudson, William Henry

Porter, Cline Thomas

Belsheim, Thomas

Hume, John Alexander

Powell, Harold Mylton

Bennett, Charles John

Humes, James

Powell, William

Bennett, Percy

Humphrey, Cyril Glyn

Power, James David

Bennie, John Willis

Humphrey, Frank

Power, Thomas Fred

Bentley, Thomas John

Hunt, Albert John

Pratt, Charles Henry

Benton, William James

Hunt, John

Precious, Arthur

Berkowitz, Harry

Hunter, Andrew

Press, George Edward

Berris, Antonio

Hutcheson, Ray Ernest

Price, Ivor

Beston, John

Hutchinson, Archibald

Price, Thomas

Biggs, Percy Armstrong

Hutchinson, Hubert Henry

Priest, John

Birch, Arthur

Hutchinson, Mathew

Proctor, Samuel Ashworth

Bird, John

Ingram, James Hughes

Prosser, William Wifred

Bitson, William

Inksetter, Frank Stewart

Provan, Thomas Galbraith

Black, Pearl

Isard, Edwin Orville

Prowse, C.

Blackburn, George

Jackson, George Lindsay

Pulliner, Albert Ernest

Blackburn, John William

Jackson, Reginald B.

Purmal, Albert Charles

Blacklock, Colin

Jacobs, Frederick M.

Puttick, Albert Watts

Blais, Fernada

James, Howard T.

Pybus, William Henry

Blakey, William George

James, Robert E.

Quigley, William Charles

Bland, William K.

Johnson, Alexander Charles

Radford, Hugh Cecil

Bloomfield, James Munro

Johnson, Angus Laughlin

Radford, William John

Bolderston, Alfred R.

Johnson, Arthur E.

Radley, Richard

Borrie, Wilfred John

Johnson, Charles

Ramsay, Frank

Boulier, Clarence

Johnson, Herbert Clifford

Ramsay, Hugh Augustine R.

Boultbee, Herbert N.

Johnson, Irving Ellis

Rand, Fred K. Ernest

Boultbee, Thomas James

Johnson, Joseph Arthur

Raney, Norman Charles

Bower, William P.

Johnson, Joseph Leonard

Ratcliffe, Harold

Boyle, R. A.

Johnson, Nicholas S.

Raven, John

Bradbrooke, G. R.

Johnson, Thorstem

Reed, William John

Bradbury, Herbert

Jones, Herbert Frank

Reid, Charles William

Bradford, William H.

Jones, Paul

Reid, James Allan

Bradhart, Joseph Charles

Jones, Ralph Gordon

Reid, Ray Leith

Bragg, Melville W.

Jones, Robert Edward

Reid, Thomas

Braithwaite, Richard

Jones, William Owen

Reiger, Jack Fred

Bramhall, George S.

Jones, William Vernon

Reinholt, August Theodore

Bratt, George W.

Jure, William K.

Rennie, Charles Hillman

Breakey, Thomas

Keiney, William Henry

Richardson, Harold Charles

Breen, William Henry

Kelderman, Cornelius

Richardson, Mathew Ross

Brewster, Jack Alexander

Kellogg, De Forest

Richardson, Robert Tavendale

Bridgeman, William

Kelly, Eric George

Richmond, James Fleming

Brocklehurst, A. A.

Kelly, John

Ricketts, Samuel E. Rife

Brooke, Robert S.

Kelly, Thomas

Riddell, George Nicholas

Brooks, George

Kelly, William

Riley, William

Brooks, William Richard

Kemp, Alex

Rines, Lexie Allan

Brown, Charles Paul

Kennedy, Margaret

Rinnell, Edward

Brown, Francis

Kennedy, Martin Nicholas

Rivers, William Ernest

Brown, Irving F.

Kennedy, Paul harvey

Robertson, David C.

Brown, Thomas William

Kennedy, William

Robertson, Edgar D.

Brown, Vincent Joseph

Kern, Edward Ernest

Robertson, Henry

Brown, William Alfred

Kerr, Arthur Hugh

Robertson, Ralph

Brown, William Lewis

Kezar, John Harold

Robins, Arthur

Bruce, James

Kilrose, Fred

Rochfort, Oswald John

Bryce, William macKenzie

Kimball, Frank H.

Rock, Bertie

Bryon, James Wilbur

King, Charles Walker

Rodle, Harry

Buckley, John Francis

King, Eric Francis

Rodson, Alexander

Bull, Charles Henry

King, Francis Harrison

Rogers, David

Bunt, William Percy

Kinrade, Charles Stanley

Rogers, Judson Havelock

Bunting, Joseph Robert

Kinsley, Alfred Ainsworth

Roscoe, Harold Morton

Burdett, William

Kirchner, Walter Harold

Rose, John Buchanan

Burgess, John Hartley

Kirk, Aaron Phillip

Ross, Wilfred

Burnett, Dick Percy

Kirk, Frank Sidne

Rundall, Frederick Charles

Burnett, Harry Kirby

Kirkham, Thomas James

Rushant, Charles

Burns, Harold Stewart

Kirkpatrick, Goldion

Russell, Robert

Burpee, James Archibald

Kitson, Charles Frederick

Russell, Robert Cooper

Burt, Pete

Klopp, Alexander

Russell, William

Burton, Arthur Ralph

Knight, Archibald

Ryall, William Henry

Burton, Roy W.

Knight, Frank Nichol

Ryan, Edward Evans

Buxton, Ernest

Knight, Robert

Ryan, M. J.

Cackette, Eric Arthur

Knox, Raymond Charles

Ryberg, Emil Marius

Calder, William

Krogstad, Charles

Ryder, George

Calling, Cecil

Kyle, Thomas A.

Ryder, Walter Elvin

Cameron, Robert Casey

L' Heureux, Joseph

Saddleton, Sydney John

Campbell, Thomas C.

LaFlett, E. E.

Sadler, William

Campbell, Fraser Alec

Laing-Meason, Gilbert G.

Sainsbury, John Mathew

Campbell, James P. C.

Laird, Roland, A.

Salisbury, Edward John

Campbell, John Neil

Laird, Stanley

Sanders, Robert Charles

Campbell, Peter Begg

Lamb, Thomas Alexander

Sanders, Waldis John

Campbell, R. H.

Lambert, Edward

Satterfield, Harold

Campbell, Vitalian Michael

Lamond, Robert

Sauve, Joseph Paul

Campbell, William Henry

Lang, Henry George

Schmidt, Paul Marvin

Cannell, Harry Alec

Lang, John

Scott, Clifford Amos

Cantin, Alfred Henry

Langdon, George Henry

Scott, Harry

Carley, John Joseph

Langill, Sidney Slater

Scott, Robert Linnaeus

Carlow, Stanley

Lankin, Earl

Scott, Robert Nichol

Carmichael, Alexander H.

Lapointe, Daniel

Seaborne, Walter E.

Carpenter, Wilfred

Larsen, Charles Lumsden

Sears, James

Carr, Frederick

Larsen, Chris

Seers, William

Carrigan, Charles Wesley

Larsen, Fred

Seldon, Keith Grant

Carrigan, Robert James

Larsen, Hans Simon

Selkirk, Thomas Robert

Carroll, John McLeod

Larsen, Lars

Selwood, Arthur Francis

Carter, Ernest Francis

Larson, Charles

Sepner, Albert Edward

Cassidy, James

Larson, John Birger

Sharp, James

Ceasaretti, Dominic

Laslett, Emily Edith

Shelburne, Edward

Chadsey, Lockhart B.

Latremouille, Rene A.

Shillingford, Charles M.

Chambers, Arthur

Latta, William Smith

Shirley, Richard Wilbert

Chaput, Joseph D.

Laudrey, Edey

Shirt, Ralph William Frederick

Chase, Walter Lothrup

Laughton, Izat

Sidsworth, Earl

Cheale, Robert Albert

Lawler, James William

Sills, Harold Godfrey

Cheeney, Henry John

Laycock, George Robert

Simpson, Duncan Perley

Chiles, Charles Raymond

Leary, Charles Sidney

Simpson, R.

Chisholm, Alexander

Leeney, Stanley Howard

Simpson, William Charles

Choss, William Frederick

Lefevre, Henry

Sloan, Robert

Christinson, Elnos

Leigh, Albert Joseph

Smiley, Geoffrey Hooper

Christinson, John

Lemieux, Paul Joseph

Smith, Albert

Christopher, Arthur Holt

Lemieux, Rommel

Smith, Albert Jesse

Clapham, William Ferrand

Leuty, Charles Frank

Smith, Alexander

Clark, John Thomas

Lewis, Hugh G.

Smith, Charles Henry

Clark, Thomas

Lewis, Thomas Henry

Smith, George Archibald

Clarke, Arthur James

Lian, Alfred

Smith, Kenneth

Clayton, William Charles

Lidster, Percy Ainsley

Smith, Norman Dryden

Clemence, John Arthur

Lillestrand, Frank Walter

Smith, Robert

Cliff, George Hubert

Lillimen, Alfred Edward

Smith, Sidney

Clifford, Jonathan

Lindblad, Ragner Gustave J.

Smith, Thomas

Clusel, Lucian Henry

Lindsay, John

Smith, William Henry

Clute, Richard C.

Lister, Oswald Lewis

Smith, William Michaele

Cochran, William Lee

Lister, Thomas James

Smyth, Frederick

Cocksedge, Joseph

Lochrie, James Kenneth

Smyth, John Gillespie

Cole, Edgar Shapland

Locke, James Walter

Snider, C. H.

Conlan, Thomas Patrick

Lockyer, Ernest Adam Edward

Soles, George Hilton

Conroy, Bernard

Long, Percival

Somerville, Carl

Cook, Arthur Henry

Loucks, Arthur Ross

Somes, William Herbert

Cook, Joseph

Loughrin, John Patrick

Sowden, Sanford Boswell

Cook, Stewart Fraser

Loundquist, Frank

Speers, Russell W.

Cooley, Percey

Love, John Stanley

Spencer, Francis

Coomer, Harvey

Lovell, William John

Spencer, Hart

Cooper, Ross Osborne

Loveridge, Philip Henry

Spilman, Fred

Corbett, James Foster

Lowe, Harold Cecil

Spragge, Gilbert

Corcoran, Joseph Patrick

Lowe, Thomas Weston

Sprath, Stewart

Corke, Percy Henry

Lowry, Daniel Alexander

Spry, Frederick

Cornish, Charles Wallace

Lowry, Walter Martin

Squarebriggs, Daniel Glen

Coultas, Frederick Marcus

Lynds, Ira Ernest

Stanley, Cecil Willaim

Coulter, William

Macauley, Frederick Charles

Stapleton, Charles Henry

Cowas, George

MacClachlan, Roy

Steele, John Wilfred

Cox, Arthur Norman

MacDonald, Robert William

Stephens, George Alfred

Craig, Robert

MacDonald, Ronald

Stephenson, John William

Cresswell, George Herbert

MacDonald, Shirley Albert

Steven, Henry

Crook, Liund Morgan

MacDonald, William Henry

Stevenson, Hugh

Cross, Thomas Dixon

MacGougan, Fred H.

Steves, Lawrence Victor

Crouch, Harry

MacGregor, Roy Fleming

Stewart, Angus

Crouter, Allan Edward

MacIntosh, Hugh McLeod

Stewart, Frank

Crowe, Robert Alexander

Mackay, Angus

Stewart, Henry Alexander

Cruickshank, James

MacKenzie, Alexander MacDonald

Stinson, John

Culliton, Thomas

Mackenzie, Donald

Stochinsky, Maurice

Cunningham, Martin

MacKenzie, John

Stokes, Ernest Alfred

Currie, John

Mackintosh, Simon

Stone, Claude Samuel

Curry, James Clark

Macklin, Terence Edward

Stone, John

Daley, James

Maclennan, Frederick

Stoner, Albert Victor

Danaher, Thomas Harold

MacLennan, William

Stoner, Fred Alexander

Daniels, Daniel

MacPherson, Donald

Strachan, Alfred

Danielson, Daniel Martin

Maddaford, Francis

Strain, Cecil

Dartt, Park Leroy

Madden, James Patrick

Strange, Clarence Nathaniel

Davidson, Cecil Alexander

Magner, Thomas Edward

Stubberfield, Leland Robert

Davidson, John Clarence

Malden, William Eli

Stubbs, Albert Edward

Davies, Lloyd

Maley, Thomas Vernon

Sugden, N. F. S.

Davis, J. A.

Mallandine, Edward

Sugden, Oscar

Dayton, Howard

Mann, Randolph Amos

Suitor, John Franklin

Dean, Henry Fred

Manning, William Charles

Summers, Frederick Frances

Dearing, John Henry

Manson, Alexander Brock

Sumner, Alfred Edward

Deegan, Francis Elrase

Marks, Victoria

Sutherland, Hugh

Degg, Harold,Edward

Marsh, Vernon Lawrence

Sutton, Frank

Delissimo, Nestro

Marshall, Norman Scott

Sutton, William Allan

Desbien, Adelard

Marshall, Thomas

Swaggart, Ralph

Desmond, Patrick

Martin, Charles

Swan, Hamilton Lindsay

Dewolf, Duncan John

Martin, Clayton

Swanson, Paul Horace

Dewolf, Francis G.

Mason, Abe Gardner

Swindell, Thomas Geogre

Dickinson, Charles

Massales, Carroll Leslie

Sympson, Victor Bernard

Digby, Henry Courson

Masters, George Henry

Tallman, Charles Leonard

Dilworth, George Lancelot

Matheson, Herbert

Tanner, William

Dixie, Fred John

Mathewson, William

Taylor, Duncan Scott

Dixon, John George

Mattatall, Levi

Taylor, Eric

Dixon, Robert Ogle

Matthews, Edward

Taylor, Herbert Gladstone

Dodd, Sidney James

Maurice, Hubert lindley

Taylor, William

Dodds, Earle Grosvenor

Maw, Thomas Gordon

Taylor, William Stewart

Dolby, George Thomas

May, Arthur Percy

Telley, Frank Carl

Donaldson, Robert Hutchinson

May, Duncan

Terris, James

Dougherty, Harold Vinton

May, William Henry

Thew, Roy

Douglass, Robert Samuel

McArthur, Henry

Thomas, Arthur

Doyle, Mark John

McArthy, Charles Stewart

Thomas, Owen James

Doyle, Patrick James

McBride, Daniel Joseph

Thomas, Thomas Evan

Drader, William B.

McBroom, Frank

Thompson, Charles Allen

Draper, William Harrington

McCall, Hugh

Thompson, David Combe

Dreyer, James

McCammon, Theodore

Thompson, George William

Drummond, Robert Maurice

McCartney, Robert

Thompson, Harry Gordon

Duddle, William

McCashin, James

Thompson, Henry Gordon

Duff, Simon Victor

McCaura, Joseph

Thompson, J. Norton

Duncanson, George W.

McClaire, Gerald Armstrong

Thompson, John Francis

Dundas, John Joseph

McClelland, Andrew

Thompson, John Wilson

Dungan, John

McClelland, Thomas A.

Thompson, William Gordon

Dunn, Harry

McClurg, Thomas William Wallace

Thomson, Alexander

Durant, Leo Shirley

McCombie, Andrew

Thomson, Charles Gordon

Dussault, Peter

McCormick, Albert Ed. George

Thomson, Leornard McKenzie

Duthie, William George

McCreath, James David

Thomson, Neil Alexander

Dyer, Nicholas

McCrory, Fred

Thurburn, J. W.

Dyson, Fred

McCrumm, Guy Chester

Titherley, Arthur Albert

Earner, Joseph

McCubbin, Thomas

Tobin, Gerald Michael

Eastham, Lynn Aaron

McCurdie, John Lawrence

Tompkinson, Norris

Eastwood, John William

McCurdie, John Lawrence

Towgood, E. J.

Edey, Ray Stafford

McDonald, Henry

Travers, Clarence E.

Edlund, Carl

McDonald, John Alexander

Travis, Herbert

Edmond, Robert

McDonald, John Edward

Treadgold, Albert George

Edwards, Daniel R.

McDonald, Norman Stanley

Trombly, Michael John

Edwards, James

McDonald, Peter

Tucker, Edward

Elderkin, Clayton F.

McDonald, Thomas Hedley

Tufts, William McKenzie

Elliott, Robert James

McDonald, Wallace Bruce

Tunstall, Charles

Ellis, George F. C.

McDougald, Clarence Gordon

Tupper, Charles

Ensor, Edward

McDougall, William Charles

Tupper, Henry Leorand W.

Erickson, John

McGown, Thomas Hoey

Turner, John Henry

Esselmont, John

McGregor, Joseph

Tyerman, Herbert Earle

Ettinger, Alfred

McIntosh, George Thomson

Tyndall, Cecil

Evans, George John

McIntosh, Joseph Alexander

Valentin, Holyer Bjorn

Evans, Percy Harry

McIntosh, Tracy William

Vamplew, Jack Willard

Evans, Tom A.

McIntyre, James

Vanderwater, Harry Blake

Ewart, George Alfred

McKellar, Hugh

Varney, William

Ewart, Norman

McKenna, John James

Veasey, Ernest George

Falconer, James

McKillop, John Leonard

Veneri, Mike

Farrell, Mark

McKillop,Stewart Douglas

Venn, John Thomas

Fatherstone, William Henry

McLean, Marlon Etta

Vowles, John Charles

Fazan, Allan Ernest

McLellan, Everett

Vowles, Reginald

Feagan, William Leonard

McLennan, John

Waddell, William Weir

Feeney, Patrick Joseph

McLennan, Morris K.

Wain, Nathaniel

Fentiman, Percy

McLeod, Alexander

Wainwright, William Jerome

Fenton, James Henry

McLeod, Malcolm Alexander

Wales, Arthur Frederick

Fenwick, Sydney Richard

McMillan, Herbert John

Walker, Alexander Fraser

Ferguson, George Henry

McMillan, James Alexander

Walker, Joseph Donald

Ferrier, C. J. Tait

McNeil, Norman McLeod

Walker, Matthew Simpson

Ferris, Alfred

McNelly, William Henry

Walker, Nelson James

Fielding, James Ray

McNichol, Thomas Henry

Walker, Ralph Holgate

Findlater, John Taylor

McQuarrie, James Alexander R.

Walker, William

Findlay, Darward Laughton

McRae, Archibald A.

Wall, Allan Edward

Finlayson, Alexander

McTaggart, Charles Ray

Walsh, Thomas Anthony

Finlayson, John Kennedy

Mearns, John

Walton, George

Finlayson, Sidney Douglas

Medland, Albert Andrew

Wann, John

Finlayson, William Kinghorn

Medland, George

Ward, Arthur

Firth, Benjamin Desrade

Meech, Henry Austin

Ward, Edward Graham

Fisher, Abraham Allan

Mellish, Milton

Ward, Nathaniel Barnaby

Fisher, Elmer Lionel

Menzies, Ian

Watson, Charles Albert

Fisher, Norman S.

Mercer, William Horace

Watson, Jonathand Miller

Fisher, Roydon

Meridith, John

Watt, John

Fleet, David

Merrit, Edwin Eagle

Weathers, Harry

Fleming, H. G.

Meyers, George Edward

Weaver, Charles Percy

Fleury, Clement

Millard, Harry James

Webster, John

Fogg, William Henry

Miller, Alexander Duff

Wellband, Wilbur Arthur

Forrest, Robert

Miller, Harold

Wellington, Robert

Forrester, Robert Douglas

Miller, Joe Earnest

Wells, Andrew

Foster, Harold James

Mills, Arthur Samuel

Welsh, Alexander

Foster, Max

Milne, William

West, Albert Edward

Foulds, Andrew Robert

Milton, John Alexander

West, Florence C.

France, Walter Prior

Milwain, Peter

West, Frederick Benjamin

Fraser, Alexander

Minnes, Reginald Frank

West, Robert

Fraser, Donald

Mitchell, Arthur Edward

Westlake, Arthur Roberts

Freeman, Albert A.

Mode, Cecil

Westwood, Norman

Freeman, Stephen

Moldrup, John Page

Whalen, Raymond F.

Frith, S.

Monger, James

Wheeler, Harold

Gadsden, Henry

Monle, Archie

White, Daniel Roy

Galloway, Joseph B.

Montgomery, Allan

White, Harold Anderson

Gammon, William Charles

Montgomery, Harold Edward

White, Harry Rupert

Garner, Glen

Moore, Frederick

White, Iver

Gayton, Charles A.

Moore, Hugh Gordon

Whitelaw, Robert

Gell, Harold C

Morgan, Richard

Wiffen, Henry

George, Robert

Morling, Octavius Josiah

Wilins, Walter

Germain, Theodore

Morris, N. L.

Wilkins, Morely Arthur

Gerrard, Henry William

Morrison, George Edward

Wilkinson, Leonard Melbourne

Gerrie, Gordon Wallace

Morrow, Hugh Mervin

Will, John Green

Gibbs, James

Morrow, Stanly Thompson

Willard, Reginald Arthur

Gibson, Alexander

Muckle, Edward

Willett, Philip Charles

Gieffman, Frank E.

Mulhall, Mary Alice

Williams, Audrey Lanston

Gillis, Warren Miller

Muncey, Fred K Thomas

Williams, Edeward Arnold

Gisborne, Francis

Munday, Albert Ripert

Williams, Eric Francis

Gold, John

Munday, Mathey Robt

Williams, G. H.

Goldstone, William John

Munro, James Russell

Williams, George

Good, Lorne

Munro, William

Williams, Joseph Augustus

Gordon, Alva M.

Murdock, James William

Williams, Richard

Gordon, Harry

Murray, Byers

Williamson, William

Graffman, Frank Edward

Murray, Joseph McCormick

Williscroft, Benjamin Clifford

Graham, George Magar

Murray, Robert

Wilson, Francis Lawrence

Graham, John Graham

Murrell, Sydney

Wilson, Frank Douglas

Graham, Roland McKenzie

Mustard, William James A.

Wilson, George Wynn

Graham, William

Nash, Edgar

Wilson, Hugh

Grant, Eric Russell

Neal, Leamon Currey

Wilson, Robert

Grant, George

Neilson, Frank John

Wilson, Victor William

Grant, H. K.

Nethery, Otto

Wilson, William McKinley

Grant, Robert Luke

Nettleton, Clarence E.

Wilson, William Sam

Graves,  Philip Gordon

Newell, Arthur E.

Winter, Harold Owen

Greane, Henry Charles

Newman, Frederick H.

Wize, John

Green, John

Newton, Richard Francis

Wormald, Aubrey

Green, Louis Theodore

Nicholson, Charles West

Wray, Edward

Green, Monica C.

Nicholson, Thomas

Wright, Frank

Greenlees, Alexander L

Nicol, George Lee

Wright, Jesse Green

Greenord, Allan L.

Nicoll, William T.

Wright, William

Grieve, H. W.

Nixon, Frank

Wygle, Aurellan Manson

Grimshire, Jack

Norgeot, Ernest Charles

Yeo, Samuel Ray

Grindrod, Ernest

Norman, Leonard

Yool, John

Grives, Edward

Nye, Harry Senton

Yorke, William Charles

Gummerson, Luther Emmanuel

Nygaard, John Sudwick

Yorston, Cyril

Gunn, Hugh G.

Oatway, Albert James

Young, Frederick

Gunn, W. K.

O'Connor, Stephen

Young, Peter

Haddon, Alec. Bruce

Odlum, Harold Victor

Younghusband, Edward

Hagerstrom, Keith

O'Flynn, Frank

Zilempe, Michael

Haldane, John W.

Ogden, George


Hall, Frank

Ogenski, Frank



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