July 9 1938 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by George Goold, began a Pacific crossing upon sailing from Vancouver on July 9th 1938. 

The ship was slightly delayed in reaching Victoria as a result of taking some time to do a compass adjustment off Trial Island.

Included in cargo was 400 pounds of cholera serum that was being delivered to Hong Kong to fight a cholera epidemic.  This amount of serum could inoculate 1,000,000 people.

Also included was a shipment of bandages, chloroform, ether, and clothing destined for China and provided by the Committee for Medical Aid for China.

Notable passengers embarking aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA on July 9th 1938 at Vancouver and Victoria.


H. Kirkwood

General Secretary of the YWCA in Victoria en route to Tokyo.

K. M. Harris

En route to Tokyo.

Margaret Kopf

En route from Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia to Japan.

His Excellency General Eugene Ott

German Ambassador at Tokyo returning after a visit to Berlin.

Reverend C. J. E. R. Jacquinot

Returning to Shanghai after a visit to the United States.  Reverend Jacquinot had been working on behalf of Chinese refugees in Shanghai.

Dr. H. W. Wade

Of New York en route to Manila on behalf of the Leonard Wood Memorial, a group dedicated to the eradication of leprosy.

Joseph Goldstone

President of the American Jewelers Bureau en route to the far East.

Anne Stewart

A prominent Vancouver tour organizer leading a tour party to the Far East.


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