September 26 1932 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on September 26th, 1932.  Typhoon weather was encountered after leaving Yokohama, and fog off the encountered off the coast of British Columbia.  Subsequently, arrival at Victoria was delayed several hours. A small passenger list was reported being less then 200 in all classes.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on September 26th, 1932.


Edward C. Gardiner

Of Philadelphia, returning home after a tour of the Orient.

Arthur H. Lea

Of Philadelphia, returning home after a tour of the Orient.

S. Abraham

Import manager of Dy Buncio & Company, Manila, en route to the United States.

Mrs. C. P. White

Of Manila, proceeding to the United States.

de Coin         

Of Goldenburg & Company, Manila, enroute to New York.

N. Leslie

General manager of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Shanghai, en route to London.

J. C. Muss

Of the British Cigarette Company, Shanghai, en route to the United States.

Lieutenant F. G. C. Langley

Royal Navy, attached to HMS MANTIA, of the Yangtze flotilla, proceeding to England.

Upton Close

Author and organizer of Upton Close Tours, proceeding to New York.

L. Mayer

A partner in the firm of Witkowiski & Company, Kobe, proceeding to Paris.

R. E. Sassoon

Of Sassoon Company, Shanghai, travelling to London.

G. S. Sale

Director of Sale & Company, Tokyo, en route to England after a visit to Japan.

M. Tsurumi

Japanese Delegate to the League of Nations, proceeding to Geneva.


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