October 15 1917 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on October 15th, 1917.

Due to wartime censorship, very little news source information for this crossing is available.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on October 15th, 1917.

Lieutenant-Colonel (Dr.) Frank Billings

Chairman of the United States Red Cross Mission to Russia returning from Russia.

Sir Prabashanker D. Pattania

Member of the Executive Council of Bombay en route to England.

Lieutenant-Commander W. R. Clark

A Unites States Navy Officer en route from Manila.

Lieutenant R. Dudley

A Unites States Navy Officer en route from Manila.

Lieutenant J. R. Kyle

A Unites States Navy Officer en route from Manila.

Lieutenant Slingluss

A Unites States Navy Officer en route from Manila.

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