November 24 1928 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. J. Hailey concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on November 24th, 1928. The ship carried 28 First Class passengers, 20 Second Class, 17 Third Class and 181 Steerage.  Four of the First Class passengers disembarked at Victoria. Cargo discharged at Victoria included 2,400 bundles of Japanese oranges, rice, tea, Oriental foodstuffs, and curios.  Cargo for Vancouver measured 4,363 tons and included 47,600 bundles of Japanese oranges, 1500 tons of raw silk and 200 cases of silk goods.   The Japanese oranges were the first of this year’s crop to reach the Pacific coast. 

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on November 24th, 1928.


Dr. L. C. Beard

Mrs. F. Frincke

Herbert Geddes

K. Ikeda

Captain C. R. Jones

F. W. Kress

H. A. MacLean

C. C. McIvor

Mrs. N. W. McIvor

G. A. Merrick

Mrs. A. Moore

R. A. Nicholson

A. Raymond

George Robinson

F. W. A. Scott

W. Shaland

G. Sziro

R. V. Johnson

Captain G. L. Gringham

Lieutenant C. Urwick

G. D. Waters

J. J. Welker

E. M. Zais

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. H. Walker

Z. Toda

J. W. H. Twilley

Captain F. Aguado

L. M. Beytagh

G. Dempsie

Mrs. E. B. Gulick

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Scott


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