November 19 1929 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. J. Hailey concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on November 18th, 1929.  A smooth passage from the Far East was reported.

At Victoria it was necessary to berth at the Canadian National Railway’s Ogden Point dock as the normal berth at Rithet Piers were taken by the American Mail Liner PRESIDENT MADISON and the HOKKOH MARU.

A heavy cargo was reported that included 17,280 bundles of Japanese oranges.

The voyage across the pacific was delayed two days while the ship was held in Japan to accommodate returning delegates form the Kyoto conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Victoria and Vancouver on November 18th, 1929.


Professor Charles Howland

Of Yale University, returning from the conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kyoto.

Professor Joseph P. Chamberlain

Chair of Political Economy at Columbia University, returning from the conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kyoto.

Dr. John McKay

Of Manitoba College, returning from the conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kyoto.

K. Roelops

General Secretary, YMCA, New York, returning from the conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kyoto.

W. M. Birks

Returning from the conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kyoto.

E. H. Fritch

Of Chicago, Secretary of the American Engineers Association, returning from the World’s Engineering Congress at Tokyo.

Bishop W. Ainsworth

Of Macon, Georgia, involved with mission work in China for the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Mrs. Ethel Jackson


D. Wong

Of the Wong Ming Company, en route to Germany.

Yang Tsu Chih

Engineer with the telephone system in Shanghai, en route to Chicago.


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