May 21 1933 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on May 21st, 1933.  On the voyage the ship reported a smooth passage. A fair passenger list and a considerable cargo were also reported. Some silk and silver bullion was unloaded at Victoria for transfer to the Grace Line SS SANTA PAULA for delivery to New York.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on May 21st, 1933.


Dr. D. G. Beebe

Philippine planter of Port Isabella proceeding to the United States.

J. Black

Of Manila, a professional golfer visiting Vancouver.

F. W. T. Ross

Of Hong Kong, George Falconer & Company, proceeding to Europe

Captain U. V. Douglas

Of Bombay, en route to England.

Professor L. T. Ride

Of Hong Kong University, travelling to Europe.

J. E. Peach

Prominent steel merchant of Sheffield returning home after a visit to the Orient.

P. A. Sellars

Of Hankow, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, en route to England.

A. E. Partridge

Of Federated Malay States, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, en route to England.

J. Taylor

Of Shanghai, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, en route to England and the continent.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogerson

Principal and teacher respectively of Nieh Chik Kue Public School and School for Girls, en route to England.

S. F. Tabbutt 

Of Shanghai, Ligett & Meyer Tobacco Company, en route to England.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taffe and daughter

Prominent New Zealand optometrist on a world tour.

A. Brown

Of Peiping, Manager of National City Bank, proceeding to the United States.

G. Ward Price

Director of THE DAILY MAIL, London, returning after a visit to the Orient.

Hrs. E. R. Kaufman

Head of the YWCA, Tokyo, en route to Eastern Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston

Of London, around the world tourists.

J. R. Taylor

Of Singapore, en route to Newfoundland and England.

R. I. D. Woodhouse

Canton Insurance Company’s representative at Tientsin, proceeding to England and the Continent.

Harry Handy 

Prominent theatrical man of Rangoon and Calcutta, proceeding to Chicago.

Comte Maxim De Berchem

Catholic priest from Cairo travelling to Spain.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Mills

Of Shanghai, en route to England.

M. Sethelais

Private Secretary to the Swedish Ambassador at Tokyo.

Mrs. Swan Kernan

Of New York, returning from a visit to the Orient.

E. Sogihara

Managing Director of the Japanese Exhibitors Association en route to Chicago.

E. Nakamura

Son the Vice-President of the Association Of Industry, Japan, proceeding to Chicago.

Y. Yeto

Secretary to E. Sogihara

Mr. and Mrs. C. Kadono and daughter

The former being advisor to Japan’s Chief Delegate to the London Economic Conference.

S. Nakajima

Secretary to C. Kadona

H. Itch

General Appraiser of the Customs Section of the Imperial Department of Finance, Tokyo, proceeding to London for the Economic Conference.

O. Hisatomi

Corespondent for the newspaper Hochi Shimbun, Tokyo, en route to London to cover the Economic Conference.


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