March 11 1934 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on March 11th, 1934. Officers of the ship reported a fine voyage from Yokohama.  Passengers, mail, and a general cargo that included silk and silver were transported from the Orient.  At Victoria considerable cargo, including silk and silver were transferred to the Grace line ship SANTA ROSA.  The SANTA ROSA under the command of Captain Curt Zastrom, was destined for New York.  

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on March 11th, 1934.


H. E. Goldsmith

Former Assistant of the Public Works Department, Hong Kong, proceeding to England after a short visit in Victoria.

Rt. Rev. W. C. White

Bishop of Honan, en route to Toronto.

K. T. Fawcett

Assistant manager of the Glen Line, travelling to England

Major M. H. A. Campbell

British Army Officer from Hong Kong, proceeding to England.

Mrs. K. Stringer

Of Shanghai, en route to England.

J. H. Green

Far Eastern manager of Thomas Cook & Sons en route to England.

N. T. Hawkins

Manila businessman en route to Europe.

G. N. Hallett

Of Standard Oil Company, Yokohama, proceeding to New York.

Mrs. B. Buttman

Of German Consul at Yokohama, proceeding to Germany.


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