June 10 1932 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on June 10th, 1932. An uneventful voyage with fair weather was reported.  The total passenger list numbered 415, with 104 First Class, 103 Tourist Class and 208 Third class. The ship reached Victoria and Vancouver from Honolulu where a number of tourists were embarked.  Many of the tourists had sailed to Hawaii on an excursion on May 25th, 1932 aboard the Canadian-Australasian vessel AORAGNI.  The presence of the vacationers produced continual social activity with deck games, swimming parties and dancing.  The majority of Americans passengers disembarked and Victoria and then traveled to Seattle.  Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver and Victoria on June 10th, 1932.


M. Littlewood

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

M. Corbett

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

F. J. Irwin

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

Charles Conley

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

M. H. English

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

M. S. Morrison

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

L. McKenzie

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

J. Swanson

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

E. Bull

Of Vancouver, returning from Hawaii.

W. Kreuger

Of Seattle, returning from Hawaii.

R. Howard

Of Seattle, returning from Hawaii.

M. Livesley

Of Salem, Oregon, returning from Hawaii.

E. Livesley

Of Salem, Oregon, returning from Hawaii.

Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm

Governor of the British North Borneo Company en route to England after a visit to the Orient.

E. Cockrill

Member of a textile manufacturing firm in England, en route to the U.K.

W. McLeod

Of Smith, Hall & Company, manila en route to England.

E. Blackburn

Chief travelling Auditor of the Canadian pacific Railway returning from an audit visit to the Orient.

H. W. Haskamp

En route to vancouver after a visit to the Far East.

Dr. Mohr

Of Norway, Doctor of Philosophy, returning home on a world tour.

W. R. Buckberrough

Canadian Pacific Steamships representative in Tokyo en route to Ontario.

Rev. E. G. Bucknill

Vicar of the Church Of England at Yokohama, proceeding to England.

Professor Daniel H. Davis

Of Minnesota University, proceeding home after a visit to Japan.

R. T. Humphreys

Manager of Wise & Company, Manila, en route to England.

G. C. Dear

Of the Tokyo branch of the vacuum Oil Company, en route to London.

J. F. MacGregor

Director of Caldbeck, MacGregor & Company, returning from the Far East.

C. H. Reich

Director of the Ocean Oil Company returning to England.

Mrs. Grace Laugharne

Former Victoria High School teacher travelling from Kobe to Europe.

J. M. Walker

Accountant of Chartered bank of India, Australia and China, en route to England.


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