July 2 1934 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by E. P. Green, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on July 2nd, 1934. On the voyage the ship experienced a smooth passage with unusually calm seas.  A fair list of passengers and capacity cargo of general freight was reported. Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on July 2nd, 1934.


Captain J. G. Fraser

Member of the Pilotage Board of Port Swettenham

Mrs. F. A. Joseph

Of Hong Kong en route to Great Britain.

C. G. Stark

Of Standard Vacuum Oil Company, Hong Kong en route to Great Britain via the United States.

Dr. J. P. Maxwell

Member of the Peiping Union Medical College, proceeding east on leave.

Edwin L. Campbell

Of Sensen Korea, Member of the Board of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian Church of United States, proceeding the United States on leave.

J. D. Drummond

Of London, a private banker adviser to the Chinese national Government travelling to New York to visit Kermit Roosevelt.

J. P. Marquand

Prominent Boston writer, returning from a trip to China.

Mme. Francis de Croisset

Wife of eminent French playwright returning from a tour of the Orient.

W. S. Bungay

Of Shanghai, with British American Tobacco Company, bound for Great Britain.

A. P. Bungay

Of Shanghai, with British American Tobacco Company, bound for Great Britain.

F. G. Walker

With the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, travelling to England.

C. M. Wise

Partner in Shanghai Travel Bureau, on business trip to the United States and Great Britain.

A. D. Windsor

Of Coronado, returning home after a trip to Shanghai.

F. Steele

Of Boston, returning from trip to the Orient.

Mrs. M. Dougherty

Of New York, returning home after an Oriental tour.

Mrs. J. B. Murphy

Of New York, returning home after an Oriental tour.

N. Fincke

Of New York, returning home after an Oriental tour.

Mrs. G. T. Read

Well known resident of Shanghai, who will spend several months in Victoria.

Mrs. C. H. Duff

Well known resident of Shanghai, who will spend several months in Victoria.

A. P. Duff

Well known resident of Shanghai, who will spend several months in Victoria.

M. Wheelwright

Of Boston, returning home after a visit to the Orient.

Mrs. R. V. Dent

Shanghai resident.

Mrs. J. B. Davidson

Of Seoul, travelling to Liverpool.

Mrs. E. C. Birnie

Prominent Yokohama resident bound for England on a visit.


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