July 27 1929 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. J. Hailey concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on July 27th, 1929.  A smooth passage from the Far East was reported with the only inconvenience being a little fog.  The ship carried 582 passengers and a cargo of 3,903 tons that included 680 tons of silk.  Cargo of 151 tons was discharged at Victoria.  At Victoria 149 passengers from the Philippines were disembarked and boarded the RUTH ALEXANDER for San Francisco. 

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Victoria and Vancouver on July 27th, 1929.


Dr. K. S. Woo

Chief Secretary of the Chinese delegation at the League Of Nations en route to Geneva to attend the League session opening on September 2nd, 1939.

S. C. Kingsbury

President of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

G. M. Graves

United States Consul at Hankow.

Major R. T. Osborne

General Manager of the Maple Leaf Milling Company of Vancouver, returning from a study of the Far Eastern export market for flour.

R. H. Gregory

Director of the British-American Tobacco Company, New York.

I. Mitani

Chairman of the Mitsubishi Mining Company.


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