January 16 1933 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on January 16th, 1933.  On the voyage the ship reported a smooth passage until within two days’ steaming of Vancouver Island when a strong northwest wind was encountered.  A fair passenger list and a good cargo were also reported.  Cargo discharged at Victoria consisted of 131 tons of general, including 590 bales of raw silk, which will go to San Francisco for shipment through the Panama Canal to New York.  Of this shipment 520 bales will go to Seattle by British Columbia Coast Service ship, and on arrival will be forwarded overland to San Francisco.  The remaining 70 bales will go south in a few days, either by Pacific Steamship Lines or Kingsley navigation Company.

Note of Interest:

Aboard the ship was Detective Inspector James Ellice, of Vancouver who accompanied a prisoner Wu Chuck.  Wu Chuck was wanted in Vancouver for the attempted murder of Wong Toy in Vancouver in November of 1932.  Wu Chuck had left Vancouver for Hong Kong after the November incident, taking passage on the PRESIDENT TAFT.  Hong Kong authorities apprehended Wu Chuck who was held for Detective Ellis who had sailed for Hong Kong aboard the EMPRESS OF ASIA on December 3rd, 1932, and on the return trip from Manila, boarded the ship with his prisoner.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on January 16th, 1933.


W. W. Comfort

President of Haverford College, returning to Philadelphia.

M. G. Dover

Sales Manger for the Ford Motor Company in India, Bombay, en route to Calgary.

D. Bewley

En Route from Hong Kong to Great Britain.

Mrs. J. H. Lang

Of San Francisco returning home after an around the world trip.

O. F. Mocock

Representative of the Rising Sun Petroleum Company, Yokohama, proceeding to Great Britain.

E. A. Eastes

British Consul-General at Mukden, enroute to Great Britain.

Peter Kerr

Of Rising Sun Petroleum Company, Yokohama, proceeding to Great Britain.

A. J. S. Parkhill

Of Shanghai, operating staff of Canadian Pacific Steamships, proceeding to Canada.

Mrs. E. L. Fichter

Kobe resident, proceeding to Great Britain.

S. J. Clarke

Kobe resident, proceeding to Great Britain.

K. P. Albertson

Of Peiping, Superintendent of telegraphs for the Great Eastern Telegraph Company, en route to Denmark.

G. S. Beebe

Of Carte Macy Tea Company, New York and Formosa, en route to New York

J. Black

Proceeding to Scotland.

Wu Chuck

Prisoner being returned to Vancouver accompanied by Detective Inspector James Ellice of Vancouver.

Mrs. M. R. Kirkland

Of Shanghai, returning to former home of Victoria for a visit.


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