August 20 1917 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. W. Davison, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on August 20th, 1917.  Arrival at Victoria was delayed several hours as dense fog forced the ship to anchor outside the Victoria breakwater until conditions improved.

A large passenger list and capacity cargo was reported.  Cargo included a valuable shipment of silk. 

Bessie Abbott, an opera entertainer from New York, was a passenger returning from the Far East.  On the voyage to British Columbia she organized a concert that raised $600.00 for the Red Cross.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Victoria and Vancouver on August 20th, 1917.

Bessie Mae Abbott

A New York opera entertainer returning from the Far East.

Baron D. Hangourrart

En route from Indo-China.

Judge and Mrs. W. L. Goldsborough

Of Greensboro, Maryland, en route from Hong Kong.

Donald McColl

Of Shanghai.

Lieutenant-Colonel W. A. Burbank

Of the US Army, en route to the United States from Hong Kong.

Colonel H. B. McCoy

Of the US Army, en route to the United States from Hong Kong.

Captain (Dr.) W. W. Vaughan

Of the US Army, en route to the United States from Hong Kong.

John E. Sharpe

Associated with the Standard Oil Company, Hong Kong.

A. E. Adair

Associated with the Standard Oil Company, en route to New York.

E. S. Moffat

Associated with the Standard Oil Company, en route to New York.

G. H. Lynott

Associated with the Standard Oil Company, en route to New York.

Captain and Mrs. Robert Dollar

Associated with the Dollar Steamship Company, returning from Shanghai.


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