August 1 1927 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by L. D. Douglas, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on August 1st, 1927.  A speed of 19.5 knots was achieved on the crossing from Yokohama.  A large passenger list of 597 was reported with 116 First Class, 98 Second Class, 32 Third Class and 351 in steerage.  Passengers included a party of 15 missionaries returning form the Chinese interior.

A capacity cargo was reported including a large shipment of raw silk measuring 1,000 tons and valued at $12,000,000.00.  A special train of 20 cars awaited the arrival of the ship to expedite the raw silk to eastern mills.  In addition to carrying the largest silk shipment ever loaded in her holds, she also carried a capacity cargo of 3,035 tons.  At Victoria 200 tons were discharged, at Vancouver 900, 1325 tons were for overland shipment, 20 tons for Puget Sound, 330 tons for inter-coastal transshipment, and 260 tons for eastern Canadian destinations.

The mailroom held 807 bags, and several hundred were discharged at Victoria for transshipment to Seattle.  Some 15 bags will be carried to Seattle by airmail.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on August 1st, 1927.


A. S. Patterson

Of Melbourne, Manager of the Australian interests of the Massey-Harris Company.

Mrs. P. Daniels

Of Batavia.

Colonel P. L. W. Powell

Of the Welsh Regiment stationed at Hong Kong, en route to England.

T. H. U. Aldridge

Chief Engineer, Shanghai Municipal Council.

J. H. Grant

Of Shanghai, Chief Accountant of the Standard Oil Company.

Lieutenant Commander K. Grant


G. H. Purcell

Of Shanghai.

Mr. and Mrs. McBain

Of Shanghai.

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White

Of Shanghai.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilkinson

Of Shanghai.

G. Hussey


Lord Charles Cavendish


Major W. S. Nathan


Captain G. Davis


H. C. Durreschmidt

Of Hong Kong, Standard Oil executive in Southern China.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Armour

United Sates Embassy at Tokyo.

Professor J. Watt

Of London, a member of the Faculty of Dartmouth Naval Academy.

A. M. Stewart

Of New York, prominent building contractor.

T. E. Grant

Of The London Daily Mirror.

H. Larch

Of Shanghai, Cammel Laird Company, shipbuilders.

Mrs. W. R. Johnson

Daughter of Judge Purdy of the United States Supreme Court of Shanghai.


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