April 9 1922 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by L. D. Douglas, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on April 9th, 1922.  The EMPRESS OF ASIA crossed the Pacific Ocean from Yokohama quickly, requiring only 8 days, 19 hours and 32 minutes to complete the passage at an average speed of 19.74 knots.  If heavy weather had not been encountered off Vancouver Island this voyage would likely have produced a new record time for the crossing from Yokohama.

While in Hong Kong the EMPRESS OF ASIA was dry-docked for her annual overhaul.  While the ship was being overhauled, Hong Kong was gripped by a large labour dispute that involved the waterfront.  Consequently the Chinese Articled crewmembers that had brought the ship from Vancouver were still available and rejoined the ship for the return passage to British Columbia when the overhaul was completed.

The Passenger list comprised 200 First Class, 100 Second Class, 500 Third Class and 192 Steerage passengers.  About 100 passengers left the vessel at Victoria.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Victoria and Vancouver on April 9th, 1922.


E. B. Day

Of the St. Dunstan’s School for the Blind en route to England.

R. A. Nicholson

Associated with the Cosmopolitan Dock Company of Hong Kong en route to England.

G. M. Jackson

Of Shanghai, General Passenger Agent of Canadian pacific Steamships.

Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Greaves

Of Liverpool.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Dickenson.

Of Manchester.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Towle

Of Boston.

Lieutenant Towle

Of Boston.

E. Walmalier

Of St. Anne’s-on-Sea, England

Captain J. W. Troup

Manager of the Canadian Pacific B.C. Coast Steamship Service, returning from a tour of the Far East.

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