April 29 1918 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on April 29th, 1918. The ship accomplished a fast crossing from Yokohama, requiring slightly over 9 days to reach Victoria.  The voyage from Asia was without incident and good weather was reported.  The EMPRESS OF ASIA carried a total of 1,154 passengers, with 338 Saloon, 60 Second class, and 756 Steerage. This was one of the largest passenger lists that the ship ever carried, and it was necessary to add extra accommodations at Yokohama to provide for all those that desired passage.  The ship carried a capacity cargo including raw silk valued at several million dollars.

The EMPRESS OF ASIA also carried a number of members of the British Red Cross Hospital in Russia.

A number of Russian passengers travelling to the United States are also reported as passengers.

This was the last mercantile voyage of the EMPRESS OF ASIA before the conclusion of the First World War.  On April 13th, 1918 the ship was requisitioned by the Government of Canada and assigned as troop carrier on the Atlantic. 

Note of Interest:

In 1917 the Russian Railway Service Corps left the United States for Russia by way of Japan.  The Corps was composed of American railway personnel who had been dispatched to assist the Kerensky government of Russia maintain and develop the Trans-Siberian Railway.  However, by the time the Corps reached Japan the Kerensky government had been replaced by the Bolsheviks.  Some of the Corps were to remain in Japan and later serve in Siberia.  Others, not needed in Asia because of the changing political climate, were returned from Japan to the United States, including one group aboard this voyage of the EMPRESS OF ASIA.  France was reported as the next assignment of this group.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on April 29th, 1918.

Shia Yi Ting

Chinese Minister to Brazil.

Dr. Yen Shu

Prominent educator in China.

Dr. Fan Yuen Lian

Former Minister of Education in China.

Sophia Chang

Administrator of Chen Chow School for girls in Shanghai.

Madame V. K. Wellington Koo

Wife of Dr. Koo, the Chinese Minister to the United States.

Lady Muriel Paget


Colonel L. Billington


Captain Bastin


Captain Fitzhugh


Captain Panton


S. E. Bodwell


Lady Aglen


J. Butler Wright

Member of the American Embassy at Petrograd.

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