October 7 1939 - April 13 1940

The following table contains the names of the crewmembers that served on the EMPRESS OF ASIA on a voyage that commenced October 7 1939 and terminated April 13 1940.  On this voyage the EMPRESS OF ASIA sailed the Pacific on her regular Trans-Pacific mercantile route with regularly scheduled stops in Vancouver, Victoria, Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila, and Honolulu.

Abbott, R. Engineer
Adam, C. Shop Attendant
Adamson, W. E. Chief Purser
Alexander, H. M. Engineer
Bald, J. Chief Engineer
Barr, R. L. Boy Seaman
Bennett, C. H. Engineer
Bing, A. H. Able Seaman DEMS
Booth, R. Ticket Agent
Brown, G. O. Storekeeper
Brown, L. W. Steward
Connell, H. A. Marconi Operator
Cordeaux, M. Stewardess
Cottingham, W. L. Baggage Master
Crofts, C. W. 3rd Officer
Cusworth, E. Stewardess
Dibb, B. Ordinary Seaman
Donnelly, J. W. 4th Officer
Drew, J. E. Engineer
Drummond, J. Sanitary Engineer
Duvoisin, E. Steward
Easly, J. Pantryman
Findlay, J. H. Steward
Fisher, K. A. Engineer
Fraser, A. R. Chief Steward
Gaskill, L. T. Engineer
Gee, A. Chef
Gillespie, F. Chief Electrician
Gislason, H. Surgeon
Glover, T. C. Engineer
Goold, G. Commander
Gorely, B. F. Chief Purser
Green, P. T. Cadet
Harris, A. Boy Seaman
Harris, L. Bookstall Attendant
Henderson, M. N. Stewardess
Higgs, E. E. Boy Seaman
Holland, E. R. Engineer
Horne, A. L. Ticket Agent
Howard, F. Barkeeper
Hull, H. Constable
Humphreys, E. Refrigeration Engineer
Hunter, G. Engineer
Johnson, A. Hairdresser
Johnston, L. H. 1st Officer
Jones, W. H. Storekeeper
Jones, W. R. Chief Butcher
Kirkpatrick, R. W. Cadet
Laurillard, J. T. Linenkeeper
Lloyd, J. H. Barber
Longfield, A. G. Storekeeper
Lyall, J. Engineer
Masson, J. Engineer
Masson, T. Engineer
Mayhall, M. Staff Captain
McGhee, A. Carpenter
McKean, R. A. Engineer
McLaughlin, B. Steward
Mead, J. Able Seaman DEMS
Minter, H. Pantryman
Moran, B. D. Purser
Morriss, L. Able Seaman DEMS
Morrow, A. Engineer
Muir, G. L. Marconi Operator
Munro, J. A. Refrigeration Engineer
Neale, H. S. Ordinary Seaman
Nesbitt, O. E. Steward
Petrek, L. Able Seaman DEMS
Pitt-Brooke, R. Purser's Messenger
Poole, F. 2nd Officer
Puddington, E. C. Ticket Agent
Ramsay, F. N. A. Marconi Operator
Robinson, W. J. Purser
Ross, A. M. Bookstall Attendant
Ryan, M. Stewardess
Shaw, E. R. 5th Officer
Smith, D. Chief Officer
Smith, H. M. Nurse
Smith, S. Boatswain
Stainton, H. Engineer
Stewart, R. A. Boy Seaman
Sutton, H. Constable
Sutton, W. Master-at-Arms
Thielen, K. Stewardess
Thomas R. D. Marconi Operator
Thrussell, S. Boy Seaman
Tingley, C. Stewardess
Treloar, E. B. Engineer
Tufnail, O. Barkeeper
Watts, C. E. Storekeeper
Welsman, E. L. Chief Purser
Williams, D. B. Electrician
Wright, F. S. Chief Steward
Wynne, G. Engineer

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